With the greener months of 2018 just a few weeks away, we wanted to help you find the most beautiful public gardens of the great Garden State. With some help from Garden State Gardens, we have added 26 public gardens and arboretums all broken down by county below.
If you know of any additional gardens that are not included, please let us know.
view by: County Location Name
Atlantic County, Bergen County, Burlington County, Essex County, Mercer County, Middlesex County, Monmouth County, Morris County, Ocean County, Passaic County, Somerset County, Union County
getTheRelCntandCntData: $VAR1 = 0;
mainList: $VAR1 = { 'Atlantic County' => [ { 'address' => '1410 Wabash Ave,~!~Linwood, NJ,', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Walking Paths' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => ',90,225,234,91,638,637,125,235,39,476,471,226,14,92,472,439,450,483,89,478' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '1410 Wabash Ave,~!~Linwood, NJ,', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'https://linwoodarboretum.org/', 'value_short' => 'https://linwoodarboretum.org/' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Facebook', 'data_types_label' => 'Facebook', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Facebook', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://www.facebook.com/pages/Linwood-Arboretum/210318825786316', 'value_short' => 'https://www.facebook.com/pages/Linwood-Arboretum/210318825786316' } } ] }, 'description' => 'The focus of the Linwood Arboretum is educational, allowing the public to become familiar with uncommon or rare woody plants that are particularly suited to home landscaping. The Arboretum is located 1410 Wabash Ave, Linwood, NJ,', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'WNV-5600-978376' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Northfield', 'citystate_name' => 'Northfield, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Northfield, Atlantic County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/atlantic-county/northfield/', 'county_name' => 'Atlantic County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '39.3424263', 'lon' => '-74.5761566', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 19, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/linwood-arboretum-linwood-atlantic-county-new-jersey/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/linwood-arboretum-linwood-atlantic-county-new-jersey/', 'title' => 'Linwood Arboretum', 'uid' => 7663, 'url' => 'linwood-arboretum-linwood-atlantic-county-new-jersey' } ], 'Bergen County' => [ { 'address' => '1 DeKorte Park,~!~Lyndhurst, NJ 07032', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Fishing', 'Jogging / Running', 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Park (General)', 'Land Preserve', 'Veterans / Memorial', 'Wildlife Management Areas', 'Scenic Overlook / Waterfalls' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Has Trails', 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy', 'Boardwalks', 'Guided / Nature trail', 'Walking Paths' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => '809,198,156,226,92,478,121,14,263,229,91,85,474,199,71,88,23,224,161,450,637,479,142,89,228,6,472,208,119,200,125,16,247,267,638,39,197,40,233,234,471,90,439' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '1 DeKorte Park,~!~Lyndhurst, NJ 07032', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'https://www.njsea.com/parks-and-trails/', 'value_short' => 'https://www.njsea.com/parks-and-trails/' } } ] }, 'description' => 'Featuring 3.5 miles of walking paths, panoramic views and birds galore, this one-square-mile park is the center of New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC) activities. It is open daily from 8 a.m. to dusk.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'K4s:7698:6k7SCBPC:23094:4494:qQJ' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Lyndhurst', 'citystate_name' => 'Lyndhurst, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Lyndhurst, Bergen County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/bergen-county/lyndhurst/', 'county_name' => 'Bergen County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.7790489', 'lon' => '-74.1064606', 'map_icon_id' => 10, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/park-urban.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 14, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/richard-w-dekorte-park/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/richard-w-dekorte-park/', 'title' => 'Richard W. DeKorte Park', 'uid' => 7697, 'url' => 'richard-w-dekorte-park' } ], 'Burlington County' => [ { 'address' => '1 Medford Leas,~!~Medford, NJ 08055', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Hiking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 1, 'icon' => 'fa-thumbs-o-up', 'name' => 'Popular Searches', 'short_name' => 'Popular Searches' }, { 'data' => [ 'Hiking', 'Jogging / Running', 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum', 'Park (General)' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Has Trails', 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy', 'Guided / Nature trail', 'Walking Paths' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => ',90,225,234,142,91,638,480,121,637,125,235,6,85,476,39,3,40,471,226,14,92,472,367,439,450,89,229,175,478,247' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '1 Medford Leas,~!~Medford, NJ 08055', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'http://bartonarboretum.org', 'value_short' => 'http://bartonarboretum.org' } } ] }, 'description' => 'The Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve of Medford Leas is a unique blend of accessible public gardens, collections, and preserved natural areas set amidst private residential space. With campuses in Medford and Lumberton, NJ, spanning more than 200', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'Sfq:7662:VWE3wYSN:22986:4490:GfH' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Medford', 'citystate_name' => 'Medford, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Medford, Burlington County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/burlington-county/medford/', 'county_name' => 'Burlington County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '39.9084206', 'lon' => '-74.8180771', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 15, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/barton-arboretum-and-nature-preserve.medford.burlington-county-county.new-jersey/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/barton-arboretum-and-nature-preserve.medford.burlington-county-county.new-jersey/', 'title' => 'Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve', 'uid' => 7659, 'url' => 'barton-arboretum-and-nature-preserve.medford.burlington-county-county.new-jersey' } ], 'Essex County' => [ { 'address' => 'Park Ave. & Lake St.~!~Newark, New Jersey 07102', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Hiking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 1, 'icon' => 'fa-thumbs-o-up', 'name' => 'Popular Searches', 'short_name' => 'Popular Searches' }, { 'data' => [ 'Fishing', 'Hiking', 'Jogging / Running', 'Playing in the playground', 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'County Parks', 'Gardens / Arboretum', 'Park (General)', 'Scenic Overlook / Waterfalls' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Has Trails', 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy', 'Fitness Trail ', 'Walking Paths' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => '82,235,808,479,638,232,449,117,83,87,40,16,71,450,191,971,92,17,91,142,85,73,26,2,229,121,474,175,587,125,439,715,41,472,478,136,973,637,471,13,365,201,809,89,669,90,119,14,226,6,636,234,69,39,224,3' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'Park Ave. & Lake St.~!~Newark, New Jersey 07102', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'https://www.essexcountyparks.org/parks/branch-brook-park', 'value_short' => 'https://www.essexcountyparks.org/parks/branch-brook-park' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Other ->', 'data_types_label' => 'Other ->', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Branch Brook Park Alliance', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'http://www.branchbrookpark.org/', 'value_short' => 'http://www.branchbrookpark.org/' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Instagram', 'data_types_label' => 'Instagram', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Instagram', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://www.instagram.com/branchbrookpark/', 'value_short' => 'https://www.instagram.com/branchbrookpark/' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Facebook', 'data_types_label' => 'Facebook', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Facebook', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://www.facebook.com/BranchBrookPark/', 'value_short' => 'https://www.facebook.com/BranchBrookPark/' } } ] }, 'description' => 'Branch Brook Park, the nation\'s first county park, is located in the North Ward of Newark, between the neighborhoods of Forest Hill and Roseville. A portion of the park is also located within the Township of Belleville.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'aja-rwn-5-xjpg' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Newark', 'citystate_name' => 'Newark, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Newark, Essex County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/essex-county/newark/', 'county_name' => 'Essex County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.7694588', 'lon' => '-74.1759796', 'map_icon_id' => 10, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/park-urban.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 16, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/branch-brook-park/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/branch-brook-park/', 'title' => 'Branch Brook Park', 'uid' => 5647, 'url' => 'branch-brook-park' }, { 'address' => '324 Forest Drive South,~!~Short Hills, NJ 07078', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Hiking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 1, 'icon' => 'fa-thumbs-o-up', 'name' => 'Popular Searches', 'short_name' => 'Popular Searches' }, { 'data' => [ 'Hiking', 'Jogging / Running', 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum', 'Park (General)' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Has Trails', 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy', 'Walking Paths' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => ',90,638,166,637,125,16,40,471,14,92,450,89,175,130,181,225,142,234,91,208,121,474,23,235,6,479,85,39,3,226,367,472,209,439,229,449,624,478' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '324 Forest Drive South,~!~Short Hills, NJ 07078', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 1, 'data_types_label' => 'Phone', 'isA' => 'contact', 'label' => 'Phone', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '973.376.3587', 'value_short' => '973.376.3587' } } ], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'http://www.hartshornarboretum.org', 'value_short' => 'http://www.hartshornarboretum.org' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Facebook', 'data_types_label' => 'Facebook', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Facebook', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cora-Hartshorn-Arboretum/131116836920903?fref=ts', 'value_short' => 'https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cora-Hartshorn-Arboretum/131116836920903?fref=ts' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Instagram', 'data_types_label' => 'Instagram', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Instagram', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://instagram.com/hartshornarboretum/', 'value_short' => 'https://instagram.com/hartshornarboretum/' } } ] }, 'description' => 'The Cora Hartshorn Arboretum is a historic woodlands garden and educational institution. We promote an understanding of the relationship between people and the environment through programs that integrate arts, sciences and the humanities.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'ZtN-5791-981240-xjpg' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Short Hills', 'citystate_name' => 'Short Hills, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Short Hills, Essex County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/essex-county/short-hills/', 'county_name' => 'Essex County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.7240334', 'lon' => '-74.3282623', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 17, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '973.376.3587', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/cora-hartshorn-arboretum/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/cora-hartshorn-arboretum/', 'title' => 'Cora Hartshorn Arboretum and Bird Sanctuary', 'uid' => 7641, 'url' => 'cora-hartshorn-arboretum' }, { 'address' => '523 Ridgewood Road,~!~Maplewood, New Jersey 07040', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' } ], 'cat_data_list' => ',90,39,234,91,638,92,89,235' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '523 Ridgewood Road,~!~Maplewood, New Jersey 07040', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'https://www.durandhedden.org', 'value_short' => 'https://www.durandhedden.org' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Calendar', 'data_types_label' => 'Calendar', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Calendar', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://www.durandhedden.org/events', 'value_short' => 'https://www.durandhedden.org/events' } } ] }, 'description' => 'Durand-Hedden House and Garden is an historic house museum that finds interesting ways to explore our community\'s fascinating past - through nature, architecture, music, food, social life, local history, reenactments and participatory activities - an', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => '983031-ytB-5795-xjpg' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Maplewood', 'citystate_name' => 'Maplewood, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Maplewood, Essex County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/essex-county/maplewood/', 'county_name' => 'Essex County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.7352524', 'lon' => '-74.2788162', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 16, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/durrand-hedden-house-garden-maplewood-essex-county-new-jersey/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/durrand-hedden-house-garden-maplewood-essex-county-new-jersey/', 'title' => 'Durrand-Hedden House & Garden', 'uid' => 983030, 'url' => 'durrand-hedden-house-garden-maplewood-essex-county-new-jersey' }, { 'address' => '32 Prince St~!~Newark, NJ 07103', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum', 'Park (General)' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' } ], 'cat_data_list' => '234,638,624,89,471,809,478,40,90,477,439,208,472,235,39,474,450,637,92,14,91,808' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '32 Prince St~!~Newark, NJ 07103', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'http://www.citybloom.org', 'value_short' => 'http://www.citybloom.org' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Facebook', 'data_types_label' => 'Facebook', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Facebook', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://www.facebook.com/GreaterNewarkConservancy/', 'value_short' => 'https://www.facebook.com/GreaterNewarkConservancy/' } } ] }, 'description' => 'Greater Newark Conservancy promotes environmental stewardship to improve the quality of life in New Jerseys urban communities.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => '983042-szp-5798-xjpg' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Newark', 'citystate_name' => 'Newark, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Newark, Essex County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/essex-county/newark/', 'county_name' => 'Essex County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.7362595', 'lon' => '-74.186615', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 17, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/greater-newark-conservancy/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/greater-newark-conservancy/', 'title' => 'Greater Newark Conservancy', 'uid' => 7650, 'url' => 'greater-newark-conservancy' }, { 'address' => '274 Old Short 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This former New Jersey Governor\'s Mansion showcases the rich cultural heritage of the Garden State through regular exhibitions.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => '35B:8341:PvG2hx2d:25023:4723:vRJ' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Princeton', 'citystate_name' => 'Princeton, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Princeton, Mercer County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/mercer-county/princeton/', 'county_name' => 'Mercer County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.3477859', 'lon' => '-74.6670151', 'map_icon_id' => 22, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/museum-historical.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 18, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '(609) 924-8144 ext. 106', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/morven-museum-garden/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/morven-museum-garden/', 'title' => 'Morven Museum & Garden', 'uid' => 7667, 'url' => 'morven-museum-garden' }, { 'address' => '300 Meadow Lakes,~!~East Windsor, New Jersey 08520', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Hiking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 1, 'icon' => 'fa-thumbs-o-up', 'name' => 'Popular Searches', 'short_name' => 'Popular Searches' }, { 'data' => [ 'Hiking', 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum', 'Land Preserve' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => '637,472,234,480,638,91,235,92,475,224,3,478,90,471,808,121,439,89,450,39,14,809,267' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '300 Meadow Lakes,~!~East Windsor, New Jersey 08520', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'http://arbnet.org/morton-register/robert-winters-arboretum-meadow-lakes', 'value_short' => 'http://arbnet.org/morton-register/robert-winters-arboretum-meadow-lakes' } } ] }, 'description' => 'Located just minutes from Princeton, the stunning 100-acre arboretum boasts a classical style, mature with lush trees, shrubs and under-story plantings.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => '983029-nRH-5794-xjpg' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Hightstown', 'citystate_name' => 'Hightstown, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Hightstown, Mercer County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/mercer-county/hightstown/', 'county_name' => 'Mercer County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.257843', 'lon' => '-74.5161438', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 14, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/robert-a-winters-arboretum-at-meadow-lakes/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/robert-a-winters-arboretum-at-meadow-lakes/', 'title' => 'Robert A. Winters Arboretum at Meadow Lakes', 'uid' => 983028, 'url' => 'robert-a-winters-arboretum-at-meadow-lakes' } ], 'Middlesex County' => [ { 'address' => '112 Ryders Lane,~!~New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Hiking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 1, 'icon' => 'fa-thumbs-o-up', 'name' => 'Popular Searches', 'short_name' => 'Popular Searches' }, { 'data' => [ 'Hiking', 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => ',90,234,91,638,475,121,166,637,125,235,479,39,3,471,14,92,472,439,450,89,449,478' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '112 Ryders Lane,~!~New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 1, 'data_types_label' => 'Phone', 'isA' => 'contact', 'label' => 'Phone', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '732-932-8451', 'value_short' => '732-932-8451' } } ], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'http://www.rutgersgardens.rutgers.edu', 'value_short' => 'http://www.rutgersgardens.rutgers.edu' } } ] }, 'description' => 'A public garden dedicated to cultivating inquisitive minds, great plants, and inspired gardening through educational exploration and enjoyment.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'aUd:7713:ffw8ha3Y:23139:4495:uF0' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'New Brunswick', 'citystate_name' => 'New Brunswick, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'New Brunswick, Middlesex County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/middlesex-county/new-brunswick/', 'county_name' => 'Middlesex County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.4727707', 'lon' => '-74.4235229', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 17, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '732-932-8451', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/rutgers-gardens-new-brunswick-middlesex-county-new-jersey/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/rutgers-gardens-new-brunswick-middlesex-county-new-jersey/', 'title' => 'Rutgers Gardens - New Brunswick', 'uid' => 7708, 'url' => 'rutgers-gardens-new-brunswick-middlesex-county-new-jersey' } ], 'Monmouth County' => [ { 'address' => '352 Red Hill Road,~!~Middletown, New Jersey 07748', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'County Parks', 'Gardens / Arboretum', 'Scenic Overlook / Waterfalls' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Has Trails', 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy', 'Walking Paths' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => ',90,204,198,638,119,200,166,162,637,125,16,233,156,471,14,92,172,450,89,24,224,181,142,234,91,208,287,475,121,212,481,23,235,85,636,39,160,226,41,211,472,209,439,229,449,478' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '352 Red Hill Road,~!~Middletown, New Jersey 07748', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 1, 'data_types_label' => 'Phone', 'isA' => 'contact', 'label' => 'Phone', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '(732) 671-6050', 'value_short' => '(732) 671-6050' } } ], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'http://www.monmouthcountyparks.com/page.aspx?Id=2518', 'value_short' => 'http://www.monmouthcountyparks.com/page.aspx?Id=2518' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Facebook', 'data_types_label' => 'Facebook', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Facebook', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://www.facebook.com/DeepCutGardens', 'value_short' => 'https://www.facebook.com/DeepCutGardens' } } ] }, 'description' => 'Deep Cut Gardens is simply beautiful. You will find many walking trails, beautiful landscaping, a rose garden, sitting benches and more. They even have special programs throughout the year.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => 'ebA:4149:vgZArf8H:5973:114:KZK', 'pub_id' => 'XuS:4210:7Pbpvcx0:12630:2546:Kge' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Middletown', 'citystate_name' => 'Middletown, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Middletown, Monmouth County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/monmouth-county/middletown/', 'county_name' => 'Monmouth County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.390625', 'lon' => '-74.1276321', 'map_icon_id' => 10, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/park-urban.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 17, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '(732) 671-6050', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/deep-cut-gardens/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/deep-cut-gardens/', 'title' => 'Deep Cut Gardens', 'uid' => 386, 'url' => 'deep-cut-gardens' } ], 'Morris County' => [ { 'address' => '170 Longview 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[ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '170 Longview Road,~!~Chester, New Jersey 07931', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'https://www.morrisparks.net/index.php/parks/bamboo-brook', 'value_short' => 'https://www.morrisparks.net/index.php/parks/bamboo-brook' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Facebook', 'data_types_label' => 'Facebook', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Facebook', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://www.facebook.com/MorrisParksNJ', 'value_short' => 'https://www.facebook.com/MorrisParksNJ' } } ] }, 'description' => 'Bamboo Brook Outdoor Education Center was known originally as "Merchiston Farm," the home of William and Martha Brookes Hutcheson from 1911 to 1959.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => '0', 'pub_id' => 'hzm:7629:ny776GeB:22887:4486:RJJ' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Chester', 'citystate_name' => 'Chester, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Chester, Morris County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/morris-county/chester/', 'county_name' => 'Morris County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.7314415', 'lon' => '-74.7075958', 'map_icon_id' => 28, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/cabin.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 16, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/bamboo-brook-outdoor-edctr/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/bamboo-brook-outdoor-edctr/', 'title' => 'Bamboo Brook Outdoor Education Center', 'uid' => 7622, 'url' => 'bamboo-brook-outdoor-edctr' }, { 'address' => '353 East Hanover Avenue,~!~Morristown, New Jersey 07960', 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}, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '353 East Hanover Avenue,~!~Morristown, New Jersey 07960', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'http://www.arboretumfriends.org', 'value_short' => 'http://www.arboretumfriends.org' } } ] }, 'description' => 'The Frelinghuysen Arboretum, a lovely 127 acre tract now surrounded by busy highways and office parks was once Whippany Farm. This estate was bequeathed to Morris County in 1969.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'KKm:6534:g6yGbDgS:19602:3847:fKZ' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Morristown', 'citystate_name' => 'Morristown, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Morristown, Morris County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/morris-county/morristown/', 'county_name' => 'Morris County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.8027077', 'lon' => '-74.4520111', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 16, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/frelinghuysen-arboretum/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/frelinghuysen-arboretum/', 'title' => 'Frelinghuysen Arboretum', 'uid' => 6500, 'url' => 'frelinghuysen-arboretum' }, { 'address' => '300 Longview Rd~!~Chester, NJ 07931', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy', 'Walking Paths' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => '121,450,235,14,439,288,636,39,92,91,809,808,637,90,125,226,638,234,89' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '300 Longview Rd~!~Chester, NJ 07931', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 1, 'data_types_label' => 'Phone', 'isA' => 'contact', 'label' => 'Phone', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '(973) 326-7600', 'value_short' => '(973) 326-7600' } } ], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'https://willowwoodarboretum.org/', 'value_short' => 'https://willowwoodarboretum.org/' } } ] }, 'description' => 'Willowwood Arboretum is open free to the public daily, 365 days yearly from 8am to dusk. Visitors are invited to enjoy the gardens Spring through Fall.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'UWA:7723:ADKxezPU:23169:4497:n4D' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Chester', 'citystate_name' => 'Chester, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Chester, Morris County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/morris-county/chester/', 'county_name' => 'Morris County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.7252579', 'lon' => '-74.6992722', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 16, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '(973) 326-7600', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/willowwood-arboretum/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/willowwood-arboretum/', 'title' => 'Willowwood Arboretum', 'uid' => 7720, 'url' => 'willowwood-arboretum' } ], 'Ocean County' => [ { 'address' => '900 Lakewood Avenue~!~Lakewood, NJ 08701', 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'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 1, 'data_types_label' => 'Phone', 'isA' => 'contact', 'label' => 'Phone', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '732-987-2373', 'value_short' => '732-987-2373' } } ], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'http://www.georgian.edu/arboretum', 'value_short' => 'http://www.georgian.edu/arboretum' } } ] }, 'description' => 'Enjoy the four historic themed gardens of the former George Jay Gould estate, now a National Historic Landmark and the campus of Georgian Court University.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'fqu:7719:n4YKGmkZ:23157:4496:4vn' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Lakewood', 'citystate_name' => 'Lakewood, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Lakewood, Ocean County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/ocean-county/lakewood/', 'county_name' => 'Ocean County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.0999527', 'lon' => '-74.2264404', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 16, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '732-987-2373', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/sister-mary-grace-burns-arboretum/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/sister-mary-grace-burns-arboretum/', 'title' => 'Sister Mary Grace Burns Arboretum of Georgian Court University', 'uid' => 7714, 'url' => 'sister-mary-grace-burns-arboretum' } ], 'Passaic County' => [ { 'address' => '725 Pines Lake Drive West~!~Wayne, NJ 07470', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Hiking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 1, 'icon' => 'fa-thumbs-o-up', 'name' => 'Popular Searches', 'short_name' => 'Popular Searches' }, { 'data' => [ 'Hiking', 'Walking' ], 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Laurelwood features woodland trails and gardens, wildlife, two ponds, streams and hundreds of varieties of rhododendrons.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => '6DW:7658:TAwzmbZs:22974:4489:8SP' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Wayne', 'citystate_name' => 'Wayne, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Wayne, Passaic County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/passaic-county/wayne/', 'county_name' => 'Passaic County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.9868164', 'lon' => '-74.2670822', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 14, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/laurelwood-arboretum/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/laurelwood-arboretum/', 'title' => 'Laurelwood Arboretum', 'uid' => 7651, 'url' => 'laurelwood-arboretum' }, { 'address' => 'Morris Rd~!~Ringwood, New Jersey 07456', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy', 'Walking Paths' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => ',90,118,679,638,637,125,16,233,471,14,92,450,89,175,224,142,234,91,208,121,48,474,672,235,479,39,226,472,209,439,229,449,478' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'Morris Rd~!~Ringwood, New Jersey 07456~!~Passaic County', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 1, 'data_types_label' => 'Phone', 'isA' => 'contact', 'label' => 'Phone', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '(973) 962-7527', 'value_short' => '(973) 962-7527' } } ], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'http://www.njbg.org', 'value_short' => 'http://www.njbg.org' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Facebook', 'data_types_label' => 'Facebook', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Facebook', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://www.facebook.com/SkylandsBotanicalGarden', 'value_short' => 'https://www.facebook.com/SkylandsBotanicalGarden' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Twitter', 'data_types_label' => 'Twitter', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Twitter', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://twitter.com/NJBGSkylands', 'value_short' => 'https://twitter.com/NJBGSkylands' } } ] }, 'description' => 'From the delicate shades of a tiny wildflower to the vibrant colors of massed annual plantings, Skylands is a place of beauty in any season. Here you can wander amid the elegance of formal gardens, or along gentle paths winding through the woods.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => '0mx-5599-978349' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Ringwood', 'citystate_name' => 'Ringwood, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Ringwood, Passaic County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/passaic-county/ringwood/', 'county_name' => 'Passaic County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '41.1237831', 'lon' => '-74.2372513', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 16, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '(973) 962-7527', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/new-jersey-state-botanical-garden-passaic-nj/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/new-jersey-state-botanical-garden-passaic-nj/', 'title' => 'New Jersey State Botanical Garden', 'uid' => 453, 'url' => 'new-jersey-state-botanical-garden-passaic-nj' } ], 'Somerset County' => [ { 'address' => '156 Mettlers Rd~!~Somerset, New Jersey 08873', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Hiking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 1, 'icon' => 'fa-thumbs-o-up', 'name' => 'Popular Searches', 'short_name' => 'Popular Searches' }, { 'data' => [ 'Hiking', 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'County Parks', 'Gardens / Arboretum' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Has Trails', 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => ',90,638,637,125,233,471,14,92,450,89,477,224,142,234,91,121,48,474,23,235,515,625,39,636,85,3,41,472,439,229,449,478' }, 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Gardens of Colonial Park offers a variety of amazing horticultural attractions including a rose garden, fragrance and sensory garden, perennial garden and arboretum.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => '983114-7qM-5861-xjpg' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Somerset', 'citystate_name' => 'Somerset, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Somerset, Somerset County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/somerset-county/somerset/', 'county_name' => 'Somerset County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.5089188', 'lon' => '-74.5732193', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 17, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/colonial-park-gardens-somerset-somerset-county-new-jersey/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/colonial-park-gardens-somerset-somerset-county-new-jersey/', 'title' => 'Colonial Park Gardens', 'uid' => 983112, 'url' => 'colonial-park-gardens-somerset-somerset-county-new-jersey' }, { 'address' => '80 US Highway 206~!~Hillsborough, NJ 08844-4102', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Hiking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 1, 'icon' => 'fa-thumbs-o-up', 'name' => 'Popular Searches', 'short_name' => 'Popular Searches' }, { 'data' => [ 'Hiking', 'Jogging / Running', 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Bike Rentals' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-shopping-cart', 'name' => 'Shopping, Service & Rentals', 'short_name' => 'Shop/Serv/Rent' }, { 'data' => [ 'Has Trails', 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy', 'Boardwalks', 'Guided / Nature trail', 'Walking Paths' 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Many outdoor activities and events are available.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'XcS:10388:yu28ddQf:31164:5501:S2m' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Hillsborough', 'citystate_name' => 'Hillsborough, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Hillsborough, Somerset County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/somerset-county/hillsborough/', 'county_name' => 'Somerset County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.5518494', 'lon' => '-74.6247635', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 15, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '(908) 722-3700', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/duke-farms/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/duke-farms/', 'title' => 'Duke Farms', 'uid' => 505, 'url' => 'duke-farms' }, { 'address' => '11 Layton Road~!~Far Hills, New Jersey 07931', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Hiking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 1, 'icon' => 'fa-thumbs-o-up', 'name' => 'Popular Searches', 'short_name' => 'Popular Searches' }, { 'data' => [ 'Hiking', 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum', 'Scenic Overlook / Waterfalls' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Has Trails', 'Elv Change: Flat / Easy', 'Boardwalks', 'Walking Paths' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => ',90,638,119,166,88,637,125,16,233,471,14,92,450,89,477,224,130,181,142,234,91,208,121,212,474,23,235,625,85,39,636,3,226,211,448,472,439,229,624,478' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '11 Layton Road~!~Far Hills, New Jersey 07931', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 1, 'data_types_label' => 'Phone', 'isA' => 'contact', 'label' => 'Phone', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '(908) 234-2677', 'value_short' => '(908) 234-2677' } } ], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'http://www.somersetcountyparks.org/parksfacilities/buck/LJBuck.html', 'value_short' => 'http://www.somersetcountyparks.org/parksfacilities/buck/LJBuck.html' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Facebook', 'data_types_label' => 'Facebook', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Facebook', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://www.facebook.com/LJBuckGarden/', 'value_short' => 'https://www.facebook.com/LJBuckGarden/' } }, { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Instagram', 'data_types_label' => 'Instagram', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Instagram', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 0, 'value' => 'https://www.instagram.com/ljbuckgarden/', 'value_short' => 'https://www.instagram.com/ljbuckgarden/' } } ] }, 'description' => 'Leonard J. Buck Garden is one of the premier rock gardens in the eastern United States consisting of a series of alpine and woodland garden areas situated in a 29-acre wooded stream valley.', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'Ukn:7247:JGWDBDcN:21741:4287:hhr' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Far Hills', 'citystate_name' => 'Far Hills, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Far Hills, Somerset County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/somerset-county/far-hills/', 'county_name' => 'Somerset County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.673439', 'lon' => '-74.6196213', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 16, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '(908) 234-2677', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/leonard-j-buck-garden/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/leonard-j-buck-garden/', 'title' => 'Leonard J. Buck Garden', 'uid' => 7243, 'url' => 'leonard-j-buck-garden' } ], 'Union County' => [ { 'address' => '165 Hobart Avenue,~!~Summit, New Jersey 07901', 'categories' => { 'cat_data_full' => [ { 'data' => [ 'Walking' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-bicycle', 'name' => 'Destinations By Activity', 'short_name' => 'Activities' }, { 'data' => [ 'Gardens / Arboretum' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-tree', 'name' => 'Parks & Gardens', 'short_name' => 'Parks & Gardens' }, { 'data' => [ 'Has Trails' ], 'doNotDisplayInLoopedList' => 0, 'icon' => 'fa-street-view', 'name' => 'Trails / Trail Information', 'short_name' => 'Trails' } ], 'cat_data_list' => '271,90,234,245,91,208,638,474,637,125,16,235,479,246,85,39,471,14,258,92,472,439,450,145,89,224,449,478' }, 'contact' => { '0-built' => '77sudkjk', 'advanced_address' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 3, 'data_types_label' => 'Address', 'isA' => 'addressBox', 'label' => 'Address', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '165 Hobart Avenue,~!~Summit, New Jersey 07901', 'value_short' => '' } } ], 'advanced_phone' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 1, 'data_types_label' => 'Phone', 'isA' => 'contact', 'label' => 'Phone', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => '(908) 273-8787', 'value_short' => '(908) 273-8787' } } ], 'advanced_web' => [ { 'details' => { 'data_type' => 'Website', 'data_types_label' => 'Website', 'isA' => 'link', 'label' => 'Website', 'label_needs_colon' => ':', 'primary' => 1, 'value' => 'http://www.reeves-reedarboretum.org', 'value_short' => 'http://www.reeves-reedarboretum.org' } } ] }, 'description' => 'A 13.5 acre National Historic Landmark featuring award-winning gardens and woodland trails, and offering horticultural and environmental education programs. (photo credit:Reeves-Reed Arboretum)', 'flags' => { 'favorite' => 0 }, 'image' => { 'gal_id' => undef, 'pub_id' => 'jhN:5914:qYtZXdbT:17742:3433:fQh' }, 'location' => { 'city_name' => 'Summit', 'citystate_name' => 'Summit, New Jersey', 'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Summit, Union County, NJ', 'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/union-county/summit/', 'county_name' => 'Union County', 'distance' => undef, 'grrrrrdagrrrrr' => 'asldjkasldhfasldf', 'lat' => '40.7264977', 'lon' => '-74.3490524', 'map_icon_id' => 66, 'map_icon_url' => '/pb-cms-assets/pb-mods/mappoints/pointicons/garden.png', 'map_zoom_level' => 20, 'state_name' => 'New Jersey' }, 'phone' => '(908) 273-8787', 'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/reeves-reed-arboretum.summit.union-county.new-jersey/', 'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/reeves-reed-arboretum.summit.union-county.new-jersey/', 'title' => 'Reeves-Reed Arboretum', 'uid' => 5909, 'url' => 'reeves-reed-arboretum.summit.union-county.new-jersey' } ] };
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