Becker Park

Locust Avenue and Eagle Rock Avenue, , Roseland, NJ

Becker Park At A Glance...

About Becker Park

Description taken from
This 146.73-acre tract in Livingston and Roseland located off Eagle Rock Avenue was acquired by the Essex County Park Commission in 1969 with combined county, state, and federal funds. The Becker Tract was once part of the Becker Farm. The fields were used to grow crops and graze dairy cattle. The land is contiguous with Riker Hill Art Park and Dinosaur Park, and together with these forms the Riker Hill Complex. August Becker started with a 50 acre farm in 1880. In time it grew to a 120-acre farm. A small gauge railroad, "The Centerville and Southwestern," delighted children from 1940 to 1972. Antique carriages, historic farm equipment, and Becker Farm memorabilia of that period can be seen at the Roseland Historical Society site in Roseland.

  • Park Type:
    • County Parks

Contact / Location

Primary Address:
Directions Locust Avenue and Eagle Rock Avenue,
Roseland, NJ
Maps & Brochures:

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More To Explore in Becker Park

Becker Park is rather nice. It's also part of  Riker Hill

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