Presby Memorial Iris Gardens

474 Upper Mountain Ave, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

Presby Memorial Iris Gardens At A Glance...

About Presby Memorial Iris Gardens

Located at the base of the 7 1/2 acre Mountainside Park, the iris gardens contain over 14,000 irises of approximately 3,000 varieties and produce over 100,000 blooms over the course of the season. Visitors can see by the arching slope of the garden beds why Presby is often referred to as the "rainbow on the hill". We have 26 beds containing bearded irises. Beds running along the creekbed contain our collection of non-bearded Siberian, Japanese and Louisiana irises. The median collection, also known as the "minis", are located around the creek bed.

Description borrowed from

  • Activities:
    • Walking
    • Gardens
    • Picnic / Sitting Area
    • Picnic tables
    • Walking Paths
    Park Type:
    • Gardens / Arboretum

Contact / Location

Primary Address:
Directions 474 Upper Mountain Ave
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

Our Personal Take...

We have not yet visited Presby, but really hope to do so in 2015. We have only heard good things about the grounds and the people that run the gardens. We can not wait to visit!

Picnics / Lunches / Eating

Presby does not have a restaurant on-site, however, a limited number of picnic tables are available.

Admission & Guidelines

Everyone is welcome to visit Presby and enjoy our unique iris collection during the annual spring Bloom Season, typically mid-May through the first week of June (please check each spring for exact dates!) While there is no admission fee to visit our gorgeous iris collection, Presby depends on donations to fund its entire operation. Suggested donation is $8 per person, but any size donation is gratefully accepted. During the annual spring Bloom Season our Garden is open for visiting and viewing on weekdays, weekends and Memorial Day. During Bloom Season only, the Walther House is open 10am-6pm. Physically challenged visitors have complete access to the Iris Gardens and Walther House. The park is open dawn to dusk.


Presby's small parking lot is for the use of our staff and volunteers to offload only. There is street parking along Upper Mountain Avenue on the garden side. As visitors come and go there are usually spots to be found. In addition, the garden is accessible from Highland Avenue, the street above the garden. To access Highland Avenue from the north, coming from the Route 46 side, pass the gardens on your right and take the 2nd right turn on to Windsor Place. Turn right at the stop sign on to Highland Avenue and when you see the gardens below, park along the street and walk down. To access Highland Avenue from the south, coming from Bloomfield Avenue, pass the gardens on your left and make the first left on to Mt. Hebron Road. At the top of the street, turn left and travel past the private homes and the first park until you see the gardens below to your left. Park along the street and walk down. PARKING IS PROHIBITED ON UPPER MOUNTAIN AVENUE PAST PRESBY'S DRIVEWAY. THE MONTCLAIR POLICE DEPARTMENT WILL ISSUE TICKETS.

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Related Groups / Organizations

Below are a few groups that we have connected to Presby Memorial Iris Gardens. If we are missing any, please let us know

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