Mills Reservation County Park

Mills Reservation County Park, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

Mills Reservation County Park At A Glance...

About Mills Reservation County Park

The Mills Reservation is a county park, consisting of a 157.15-acres that is located in Cedar Grove and Montclair, New Jersey. The reservation is maintained by the Essex County Park Commission. The reservation has several walking/jogging trails, including four major trails and numerous smaller trails. One of the four main trails leads to a cliff that overlooks the New York skyline.

  • Activities:
    • Walking
    • Walking Paths
    Park Type:
    • County Parks

Contact / Location

Primary Address:
Directions Mills Reservation County Park
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
Maps & Brochures:

A Brief History

In 1954 the Park Commission received a gift of 118.9 acres from the Davella Mills Foundation. Additional acreage was acquired through a land-swap for property in Branch Brook Park which went to Newark's Barringer High School. Acreage purchased in 1962 and 1967 completed the reservation.

The stipulation for the original gift was that the land be preserved in its natural state. Therefore, the only development undertaken on this land was a small parking area and a system of walking trails that gives the public access to the interior-minimal design by the Olmsteds in their last association with Essex County. The outcrop at Quarry Point provides a scenic lookout. The area has attracted bird watchers who observe migratory birds, such as warblers in the spring and hawks in the fall. There are no buildings in Mills Reservation.

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