Johnson's Corner Farm

133 Church Rd., Medford, NJ 08055

Johnson's Corner Farm At A Glance...

About Johnson's Corner Farm

Description taken from
Johnson's Corner Farm market has been at has been at the intersection of Church and Hartford Roads since 1960. We strive to provide the best quality and freshest products and the best Farm experience for you and your Family. The farm market has a wide variety of products and services to meet the many needs of our valued customers. From asparagus to zucchini in our produce department, delicious eggplant parmesan Dinner-to-Go from our farm kitchen, or a mouth watering peach pie from our Bakery, we have all of the quality food you need! We are your #1 farm market. We strive to provide the best quality and freshest products and the best Farm experience for you. We carry a full line of salad dressings, jams, butters, and syrups to accompany any dish, salad, or bread. The market is bursting with a huge variety of candies, cookies, and goodies for all ages. Click on any department for a full description and availability of products.

  • Farming:
    • Apple Picking
    • Blueberry Picking
    • Corn Maze
    • Hay Rides
    • Pick Your Own
    • Pumpkin Picking

Contact / Location

Primary Address:
Directions 133 Church Rd.,
Medford, NJ 08055

Our Personal Take...

We have not visited Johnson's Corner Farm, but we have been following them on Facebook for a good amount of time. Their great posts and great customer feedback makes us want to visit them very soon. Maybe this fall? :)

Trip Ideas

Throughout the year, Johnson's Corner Farm offers pick your own blueberries, apples and pumpkins. In the late summer / fall seasons, they also hayrides.

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