Black Run Reserve/Preserve

Black Run Preserve, Kettle Run, Marlton, NJ

Black Run Reserve/Preserve At A Glance...

About Black Run Reserve/Preserve

The Preserve is traversed by numerous existing hiking trails and sand roads. Recreation opportunities include hiking, mountain biking, birdwatching, nature photography, geo-caching, and environmental education. Developed land directly leads to the degradation of water and habitat quality.

The Black Run watershed will only remain pristine if the headwaters area is protected from excessive development. State scientists have determined that the Black Run watershed can tolerate some additional housing development, but not too much, without suffering significant harm. So if the headwaters area is developed as current zoning permits, Evesham will lose several hundred acres of surviving forest, and the development will pollute the streams flowing through the Black Run Preserve and irreparably degrade the Preserve as habitat for Pinelands plants and wildlife.

Description taken from

  • Activities:
    • Fishing
    • Jogging / Running
    • Mountain Bike
    • Walking
    • Flat / Easy
    • Dirt
    • Walking Paths
    Park Type:
    • Preserve

Contact / Location

Primary Address:
Directions Black Run Preserve,
Kettle Run, Marlton, NJ
Maps & Brochures:

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Related Groups / Organizations

The Friends of the Black Run Preserve is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and preserving 1,300 acres of land in Evesham Township, known as Black Run Preserve. The primary goal of this group is to maintain the pristine quality of its natural resources while promoting healthy outdoor activities by bringing awareness to all that Black Run has to offer and building a community.

Groups Associated to Black Run Reserve/Preserve

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