Estellville Glassworks

109 State Highway 50, Mays Landing, NJ 08330

Estellville Glassworks At A Glance...

About Estellville Glassworks

The Estellville Glassworks are located in the Atlantic County Park at Estell Manor, on the east side of Route 50, 3.5 miles south of Mays Landing. These sites are an early 19th century glass factory that was in operation from 1825-1877. The factory was built between 1825-26 by John H. Scott for the Estell family. Glass production began in 1826. The glassworks flourished during the mid-1800's. It was possibly the first glassworks that had the capability of producing both hollow ware (bottles) and window glass. The Estell family owned and operated the factory until 1858. The factory had many owners following and finally closed completely in 1877.

  • Park Type:
    • County Parks
    • Historic Area

Contact / Location

Primary Address:
Directions 109 State Highway 50
Mays Landing, NJ 08330
Maps & Brochures:

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More To Explore in Estellville Glassworks

Estellville Glassworks is rather nice. It's also part of  Estell Manor Park

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