Egg Harbor Twp BMX Track

1 Swift Dr, Egg Harbor Twp, NJ 08234

Egg Harbor Twp BMX Track At A Glance...

About Egg Harbor Twp BMX Track

The BMX Track is built on land owned by Egg Harbor Township, and is a non-profit self-supporting organization. All money collected through registration, concession, raffles, etc. are used to keep the track operational and safe. The parents and other volunteers are the people who run the races. We have a Parents meeting once a month to organize the racing schedule, track maintenance, and repairs. We welcome each and every parent to join us. If you would like to help out at any of the races, please sign up in the Registration building. We need all the help we can get. We will never turn down volunteers. Anybody can help . The NBL licensed officials at EHT BMX have years of national, state and local experience. These officials give training seminars to anybody who is interested. We have local and state official training seminars and we also train people who are new during the races by putting them with a trained veteran track official. What a good way to learn.

  • Amenities:
    • Bathrooms
    • Race Track
    • BMX / Bike track

Contact / Location

Primary Address:
Directions 1 Swift Dr,
Egg Harbor Twp, NJ 08234

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