Branch Brook Park, the nation's first county park, is located in the North Ward of Newark, between the neighborhood...
Brookdale Park offers the public access to both passive and active recreational activities as well as picturesque v...
The Gennarelli Sports Complex is located on the southwest corner of the Gennarelli Sports Plaza. This park offers b...
Mountainside, Union County, NJ
Dog Park, Fishing, Fitness Trail, Ice Skating, Pedal Boats, Picnic Area (Reservable), Playground, Restrooms, Sleddi...
Woodland Park, Passaic County, NJ
Garret Mountain Reservation, a 568-acre recreational area, situated more than 500 feet above sea level provides swe...
Lewis Morris CP includes a lake recreation area, Parcourse Exercise Circuit, three ballfields, a group camping area...
Jersey City, Hudson County, NJ
As the oldest and largest of the County Parks, Lincoln Park is truly the jewel of the Hudson County Park System!
This nice local park in Maywood offers baseball/softball fields, basketball courts, playgrounds, a memorial, a picn...
City park offering multiple ball fields, sports courts, an inline skating rink & a seasonal pool.
Morris Plains, Morris County, NJ
This small park in Morris Plains offers baseball fields, playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts, a pool, and...
Land that once contained brownfields and landfills has been transformed into a multi-use recreational venue.
The Soldiers Memorial Field complex sits on twenty-five acres of land. Amenities Ashland and Middle Softball Fie...
Stephen R. Gregg Park, Bayonne Park...
Within its 146 acres, Van Saun County Park offers a wide-range of activities that is sure to please the entire fami...
Offering open space where these two cities meet, visitors can enjoy the green, passive areas with its shady and win...