Tregellys Fiber Farm (closed)

15 Dodge Branch Rd, Hawley, Massachusetts 01339, Franklin County,

Tregellys Fiber Farm (closed) At A Glance...

About Tregellys Fiber Farm (closed)

Update: As of early 2013, the farm has been closed. If you have any updates, please let us know.

Tregellys Fiber Farm was an enchanting location perched alongside one of the many hills of central Mass.

  • Activities:
    • Walking
    Park Type:
    • Scenic Areas (overlooks/waterfalls)

Contact / Location

Primary Address:
Directions 15 Dodge Branch Rd
Hawley, Massachusetts 01339
Franklin County

Our Personal Take...

While on vacation in central Mass, we found random signs for "Tregellys Fiber Farm." We could not miss this of course, and headed right up the mountain.

Within minutes of pulling onto Tregellys, we found ourselves in a different world. From the Tibetan flags welcoming weary travellers, to the great workers in their shop, to the beautiful animals, to the amazing view off the mountain.. this place was special.

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