Below you find a quick list of destinations within about 15 miles of Cheesequake State Park. You can browse by activity type, general category (like a park) or rentals/outfitters. If you are looking for information about Cheesequake State Park, and not about destinations nearby, please click the "Overview" tab above.
Cheesequake State Park
Old Bridge, Middlesex County, NJ
Cheesequake State Park offers hiking, bike, walking, swimming, camping, and much much more for every who visits.
300 Gordon Road
Matawan, NJ 07747 -
Equestrian / HorsebackFishingHikingHuntingJogging / RunningMountain BikingPaddling - Kayak/Canoe/Row boatPlaying in the playgroundWalkingSwimming -
Parks & Gardens
State ParkPark (General)Scenic Overlook / Waterfalls -
Has TrailsElv Change: Flat / EasyBoardwalksWalking PathsSurface Type: DirtSurface Type: Sandy
Henry Hudson Trail 4.89 miles
This paved, 10-foot wide, 24-mile long trail is a former railroad right-of-way. It is relatively flat, traveling t...
Western and Northern Monmouth County -
Jogging / RunningMountain BikingWalking -
Parks & Gardens
County ParksRail To Trail -
Has TrailsElv Change: Flat / EasyBoardwalksRail To TrailWater Trails (kayak / boat)Surface Type: Crushed rockSurface Type: DirtSurface Type: Paved
Sandy Hook 14.42 miles
Highlands, Monmouth County, NJ
The seven-mile stretch of spectacular ocean and bay beaches on the "Jersey Shore" are excellent for surf casting, s...
1 Bay Avenue
Highlands, New Jersey 07732 -
Equestrian / HorsebackFishingHikingJogging / RunningMountain BikingPaddling - Kayak/Canoe/Row boatPlaying in the playgroundWalkingSwimming -
Lighthouse -
Parks & Gardens
Historic AreaNational ParkScenic Overlook / Waterfalls -
Has TrailsElv Change: Flat / EasyBoardwalksFitness Trail Guided / Nature trailWalking PathsSurface Type: PavedSurface Type: Sandy
Tatum Park 7.57 miles
Middletown, Monmouth County, NJ
Tatum Park has 366 acres of rolling hills, open fields and bird-filled woods, as well as two Activity Centers, a pl...
151 Red Hill Road
Middletown, NJ 07748 -
Equestrian / HorsebackHikingJogging / RunningMountain BikingPlaying in the playgroundWalking -
Parks & Gardens
County ParksPark (General) -
Has TrailsElv Change: Flat / EasyBoardwalksSome are challengingWalking Paths