Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial

62 Battleship Place, Camden, New Jersey 08103

Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial At A Glance...

About Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial

At the Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial not only do you see exhibits of artifacts from the ships past, but you are put into the exhibit as you go through the tour route. Sit in the chair from which Admiral Halsey commanded the fleet. Stretch out on the bunks where the sailors slept. Climb into the 16 gun turret and learn how the projectiles were loaded.

  • Activities:
    • Walking
    • Bathrooms
    • Parking - Street Parking Only
    • Picnic / Sitting Area
    • Museum / Gallery
    • Alcohol *NOT Permitted*

Contact / Location

Primary Address:
Directions 62 Battleship Place,
Camden, New Jersey 08103

Things to See & Do

Tour our nation's most decorated and largest battleship -- the Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial, located on the Camden Waterfront, NJ. Experience a tour of this historic icon. Group packages, educational programs, overnight encampments, rental space for meeting and social affairs and much more are available.

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