Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory and Gardens

Below you find a quick list of destinations within about 15 miles of Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory and Gardens. You can browse by activity type, general category (like a park) or rentals/outfitters. If you are looking for information about Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory and Gardens, and not about destinations nearby, please click the "Overview" tab above.

3 Search Results

Bridge of Flowers 9.48 miles

Shelburne Falls, Franklin County, MA

The Bridge of Flowers started out as a trolley bridge in 1908. The Shelburne Falls & Colrain Street Railway trolley...

  • Location

    Shelburne Falls, Franklin County, Massachusetts
  • Activities

  • Parks & Gardens

    Gardens / Arboretum
  • Trails

    Walking Paths

Glacial Potholes 9.33 miles

Shelburne Falls, Franklin County, MA

Come explore, swim, relax at the local scenic attraction known as Glacial Potholes

  • Location

    Shelburne Falls, Franklin County, Massachusetts
  • Activities

  • Parks & Gardens

    Park (General)

Tregellys Fiber Farm (closed) 13.49 miles

Charlemont, Franklin County, MA

Tregellys Fiber Farm was an enchanting location perched alongside one of the many hills of central Mass.

  • Location

    15 Dodge Branch Rd
    Hawley, Massachusetts 01339
  • Activities

  • Parks & Gardens

    Scenic Overlook / Waterfalls