Highlands Natural Pool

180 Snake Den Rd, Ringwood, NJ 07456

Highlands Natural Pool At A Glance...

About Highlands Natural Pool

Come check out our natural pool! It's stream-fed, beautiful and available to anyone for a reasonable fee. Enjoy the natural beauty of your surroundings.

Photo and Description borrowed from highlandsnaturalpool.org

  • Activities:
    • Swimming
    • Picnicking
    • Bathrooms
    • Parking Lot(s)
    • Picnic / Sitting Area
    • Picnic tables
    • Pool
    • Amusements / Rides / Games
    • Water Rides / Attractions
    • Alcohol *NOT Permitted*
    • Pets *NOT Permitted*

Contact / Location

Primary Address:
Directions 180 Snake Den Rd,
Ringwood, NJ 07456

Our Personal Take...

We have not yet been to the pool at a time when swimming would be appropriate. But the times we have stopped by (winter and fall), it has always looked very inviting! We also talked to some employees a few years back and they seemed really nice!And we have always heard good things about thehighlands pool from folks across our Facebook page. Can't wait to actually get there for a swim!

Admission & Guidelines

The pool is open to the public, membership is open to all. To visit for the day, provisional Memberships are available which allow you to enjoy several all-day visits before you would have to join as a full member. Please note that these fees are charged at each visit and the pool we accept cash and credit cards for both entry fees and refreshments ($5.00 minimum to charge).

The Pool charges nominal Provisional Membership fees as follows:

  • $10 weekdays/$13 Weekends and holidays per adult, ages 18 and above
  • $5 weekdays/$10 Weekends and holidays Seniors (over 65)
  • $5 weekdays/$10 Weekends and holidays per young adult (ages 13-17)
  • $3 on weekdays/weekends and holidays per child (ages 12 and under)

The Highlands Natural Pool is funded primarily by Annual Memberships.

Hours / Season of Operation

2018 Operating Hours

Early Season:

Weekends Only, May 26th through June 24th, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Summer Season:

Open Daily Starting June 25th through September 3rd.

Weekend hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Weekday hours: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Late Season:

Weekends Only, September 8th through September 30th, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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