October 20-21, 2018 -- The Lighthouse Challenge of NJ is a rain or shine, two-day opportunity to visit 10 land-based lighthouses. one museum and two life-saving stations. Participants may purchase a souvenir pamphlet for only $2 and have it stamped at each step of your journey!
This event encourages you to explore coastal New Jersey while raising the funds needed for the continued preservation of these beautiful historic sites! This is the only time of the year when all of the lighthouses agree to stay open at the same time for two days. Enjoy!
For more information, please visit:lhchallengenj.org
view by:
Location Name
Atlantic County,
Cape May County,
Cumberland County,
Gloucester County,
Monmouth County,
Ocean County,
Salem County
Atlantic County
Atlantic City, Atlantic County, NJ
Cape May County
Cape May Point, Cape May County, NJ
Cumberland County
Heislerville, Cumberland County, NJ
Gloucester County
Paulsboro, Gloucester County, NJ
Monmouth County
Highlands, Monmouth County, NJ
Sea Girt, Monmouth County, NJ
Highlands, Monmouth County, NJ
Ocean County
Barnegat Light, Ocean County, NJ
Tuckerton, Ocean County, NJ
Salem County
Pennsville, Salem County, NJ
getTheRelCntandCntData: $VAR1 = 0;
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'Atlantic County' => [
'address' => '31 South Rhode Island Avenue~!~Atlantic City, New Jersey 08401',
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'description' => 'New Jersey\'s tallest lighthouse awaits you at Pacific and Rhode Island Avenues in Atlantic City (walking distance from the Atlantic City History Museum/Garden Pier).',
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'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/absecon-lighthouse-new-jersey/',
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'Cape May County' => [
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'description' => 'Located on the southern tip of New Jersey, Cape May Point State Park is a key site on the NJ Coastal Heritage Trail, with an environmental center that houses a classroom for interpretive programs and a museum about the park.',
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'title' => 'Cape May Point State Park (and lighthouse)',
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'Cumberland County' => [
'address' => 'Lighthouse Road~!~Heislerville, New Jersey 08324',
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'description' => 'East Point Lighthouse is an active navigational aid built in 1849, situated on the picturesque Southern Bayshore in Cumberland County, New Jersey. The lighthouse has been fully restored, furnished and is a year-round museum open to the public. ',
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'Gloucester County' => [
'address' => '2nd Street,~!~Paulsboro, New Jersey 08066',
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'description' => 'The Tinicum Island Rear Range Light is a lighthouse located in the Billingsport section of Paulsboro, Gloucester County, New Jersey, United States, the rear of a pair of range lights marking a section of the channel in the Delaware River.',
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'uid' => 984405,
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'Monmouth County' => [
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'description' => 'The Sandy Hook Light is the oldest standing lighthouse and the oldest operating lighthouse in the United States. It is the only surviving tower of the 11 lighthouses built in the thirteen colonies during the colonial period from 1716 to 1771.',
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'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/sandy-hook-lighthouse-new-jersey/',
'title' => 'Sandy Hook Lighthouse',
'uid' => 984399,
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'address' => '9 Ocean Avenue,~!~Sea Girt, New Jersey 08750',
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'description' => 'Sea Girt Lighthouse, at Ocean Avenue and Beacon Boulevard in Sea Girt, New Jersey, flashed its first light December 10, 1896. The beacon, which could be seen 15 miles at sea, guided countless mariners in their journeys.',
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'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/sea-girt-lighthouse-new-jersey/',
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'uid' => 984402,
'url' => 'sea-girt-lighthouse-new-jersey'
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'description' => 'Twin Lights is situated 200 feet above sea level in Highlands, New Jersey, and overlooks the Shrewsbury River, Sandy Hook, Raritan Bay, New York skyline and the Atlantic Ocean.',
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'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Highlands, Monmouth County, NJ',
'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/monmouth-county/highlands/',
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'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/twin-lights-historic-site/',
'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/twin-lights-historic-site/',
'title' => 'Twin Lights Historic Site',
'uid' => 404,
'url' => 'twin-lights-historic-site'
'Ocean County' => [
'address' => 'Barnegat Light, New Jersey 08006',
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'value' => 'Barnegat Light, New Jersey 08006~!~Ocean County',
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'description' => 'The Barnegat Lighthouse contains picnic areas, trails along the inlet and to the beach, and of course the lighthouse itself. During the warmer months of the year, you are able to climb the lighthouse for a great view.',
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'city_name' => 'Barnegat Light',
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'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Barnegat Light, Ocean County, NJ',
'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/ocean-county/barnegat-light/',
'county_name' => 'Ocean County',
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'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/barnegat-light-house-new-jersey/',
'title' => 'Barnegat Light House',
'uid' => 239,
'url' => 'barnegat-light-house-new-jersey'
'address' => '120 West Main Street~!~Tuckerton, New Jersey 08087',
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'value' => 'https://tuckertonseaport.org/about-us/exibits/#1536608098043-a4a5487c-b4bb',
'value_short' => 'https://tuckertonseaport.org/about-us/exibits/#1536608098043-a4a5487c-b4bb'
'description' => 'Tuckers Island Lighthouse is a reproduction of the lighthouse which was built in 1868 on Tuckers Island. When you enter, look for photos of the lighthouse as it fell into the ocean in October of 1927.',
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'phone' => '609- 296-8868',
'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/tuckers-island-lighthouse-new-jersey/',
'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/tuckers-island-lighthouse-new-jersey/',
'title' => 'Tuckers Island Lighthouse Replica',
'uid' => 984408,
'url' => 'tuckers-island-lighthouse-new-jersey'
'Salem County' => [
'address' => '199 Lighthouse Road~!~Pennsville, New Jersey 08070',
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'advanced_address' => [
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'value' => '199 Lighthouse Road~!~Pennsville, New Jersey 08070',
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'value' => 'http://www.friendsofsupawnarefuge.org/lighthouse-history.html',
'value_short' => 'http://www.friendsofsupawnarefuge.org/lighthouse-history.html'
'description' => 'c. 1876 wrought iron lighthouse is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. Originally constructed in Buffalo, New York and then moved here by train and mule-wagon to New Jersey.',
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'citystate_pluscounty' => 'Pennsville, Salem County, NJ',
'citystate_url' => 'local/new-jersey/salem-county/pennsville/',
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'state_name' => 'New Jersey'
'phone' => '609-463-0994',
'real_url' => '//getoutsidenj.com/places/finns-point-rear-range-light-new-jersey/',
'real_url_nodomain' => '/places/finns-point-rear-range-light-new-jersey/',
'title' => 'Finns Point Rear Range Light',
'uid' => 984395,
'url' => 'finns-point-rear-range-light-new-jersey'
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