Cologne Ave Tract

2361 S Cologne Ave, Hamilton Township, New Jersey 08330

Below you find a quick list of destinations within about 15 miles of Cologne Ave Tract. You can browse by activity type, general category (like a park) or rentals/outfitters. If you are looking for information about Cologne Ave Tract, and not about destinations nearby, please click the "Overview" tab above.

2 Search Results

John F. Kennedy Park 11.82 miles

Somers Point, Atlantic County, NJ

John F. Kennedy Park overlooks Great Egg Harbor Bay and is within close range of amenities in Somers Point. The hig...

  • Location

    Somers Point, NJ 08244
  • Activities

    FishingJogging / RunningPlaying in the playgroundWalkingSwimming
  • Parks & Gardens

    Municiple / City Park

Timberline Lake Camping Resort 14.81 miles

New Gretna, Burlington County, NJ

Timberline Lake is a family campground in the NJ Pine Barrens, 25 minutes from Atlantic City, with 130 acres and 18...

  • Location

    365 Route 679
    New Gretna, NJ 08224
  • Activities

    Paddling - Kayak/Canoe/Row boatPlaying in the playgroundSwimming
  • Camping

    Camp Type: Seasonal Spots AvailableCamp Type: Tent Camping AvailableDump StationHookup: CableHookup: 50 Amp ElectricHookup: SewerHookup: WaterInternet AccessFacility: BathroomsFacility: General / Camp StoreFacility: LaundryFacility: PoolFacility: Rec Hall / Multi-Purpose buildingPet FriendlyRentals: CabinsSeasonal Activities