Atsion Recreation Area

Parkdale Road, Shamong, NJ 08088, USA

Below you find a quick list of destinations within about 15 miles of Atsion Recreation Area. You can browse by activity type, general category (like a park) or rentals/outfitters. If you are looking for information about Atsion Recreation Area, and not about destinations nearby, please click the "Overview" tab above.

2 Search Results

Flatwater Paddle Co. - Atsion Lake 0.14 miles

Shamong, Burlington County, NJ

Atsion Lake is a 100 acre lake that features a recreation area with a sandy beach for swimming, a snack stand, play...

  • Location

    Atison Lake
    Parkdale Rd.
    Shamong, New Jersey 08088
  • Activities

    FishingFitness Classes / TrainingPaddling - Kayak/Canoe/Row boatYoga (Outdoor)
  • Shop/Serv/Rent

    Kayak / Canoe / Rowboat Rentals
  • Sports Plus

    Outdoor Yoga Classes
  • Trips

    River Adventures

Micks Canoe and Kayak Rental 11.13 miles

Chatsworth, Burlington County, NJ

Micks Canoe and Kayak Rental offers kayak and canoe rental, as well as transportation to and from the rivers within...

  • Location

    3107 Route 563
    Chatsworth, New Jersey 08019
  • Activities

    Paddling - Kayak/Canoe/Row boat
  • Shop/Serv/Rent

    Kayak / Canoe / Rowboat Rentals
  • Trips

    River Adventures
  • Trails

    Water Trails (kayak / boat)