The Frelinghuysen Arboretum, a lovely 127 acre tract now surrounded by busy highways and office parks was once Whip...
The Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge is located in Morris County, New Jersey. Established in 1960, it is one of...
Jenny Jump State Forest offers great views, great hiking, camping and more.
Ken Lockwood Gorge is a Wildlife Management Area in Hunterdon County.
Far Hills, Somerset County, NJ
Leonard J. Buck Garden is one of the premier rock gardens in the eastern United States consisting of a series of al...
Basking Ridge, Somerset County, NJ
Lord Stirling Park is located in Basking Ridge, NJ, within the western portion of the Great Swamp Basin of the Pass...
Round Valley Reservoir attracts swimmers, boaters, fishermen, picnickers and campers to its scenic shore, while the...
Long Valley, Morris County, NJ
Coming Soon...
Public and group campsites are available, by reservation only. All necessities must be carried in and out of publi...
The Teetertown Preserve's 300+acre property is one of the most significant natural areas in Hunterdon County. The r...
Glen Gardner, Hunterdon County, NJ
Voorhees State Park offers camping, nature trails, overlooks of NYC, a nice observatory, and much more.
Waterloo Village, 19th century Morris Canal port town, is a National Historic Site. It is located along the banks o...