Trail Day With S.M.A.R.T. at Mercer County Park - March 17, 2012 (with Video!)

Updated: Jun 14, 2014 Short URL:
S.M.A.R.T. (a Jersey Off Road Bicycle Association chapter) rerouted two sections of a trail today within Mercer County park that run behind the tennis courts. Both are very muddy, all the time. Roots are exposed, people walk around the mud making the trails wider and wider, and that are just in bad shape. The first trail section is about 100 feet long. The prickers / stickers were not that bad in this area. The power tools worked right through them. We also needed to find rocks to fill in some eroded spots. But in less then an hour, we had a nice new trail. The second section had the same issue as above. This section was a bit longer, and had a Lot more pricker / sticker vines. Once again we plowed through this task, clearing the dead trees/vines/undergrowth down to ground level.

Gallery Location

lat: 40.2667999, lon: -74.6453476

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