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Updated: Jul 17, 2020 Short URL:
Summer comes each year, providing warmth and light to play outside. Now that the leaves are changing color, and it is dark by 7:20 (boo to both), we have some more time to get pictures up, new locations, and make some changes.

Some smaller changes deal with the location pages itself. The "Related Sites" and "Related Groups" links were buried to the far right of the page. We moved them into the primary spot on each listing page. it just makes it easier to read. Also, we changed some backend components that you will never see. Why mention anything about them here? Well i just wanted to have more then 1 sentence in my change list. :)

Social Everything..

GetOut has a facebook page that is rather popular. Our Twitter account also does rather well. Our Pinterest has some legs. And Foursquare is just fun. Do you use any? Please check us out:

New places, galleries, and more

Please visit the pages and galleries below that have been added.

-Jeff C

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