Welcome to "A Place and A Park," a blog series dedicated to helping you discover the small towns, unique places, hidden gems, fun parks to explore, and great outdoor attractions all around New Jersey and beyond. Each featured location offers not just a place to visit, but an experience to remember.

This series is designed to inspire exploration of New Jersey's charming towns, special places, and their outdoor treasures. Discover towns known for their unique shopping, and delightful restaurants. Find special places with deep history or just a special reason to visit. All while also uncovering beautiful parks, outdoor locations, and campgrounds in and around the area.

Whether you have kids or not, if you love nature and the outdoors, this series is for you. Each post will provide fun tourism information, the best times of year to visit, and recommendations for dining and shopping. The highlight, however, will be on outdoor activities, encouraging you to get outside and enjoy what these towns have to offer.

Some of the towns and places we can't wait to showcase include:

  • Lambertville
  • Barnegat Light
  • Clinton
  • Cape May
  • Red Bank
  • Collingswood
  • Point Pleasant Beach
  • Montclair
  • Morristown National Historical Park
  • Allentown
  • Frenchtown
  • Somerville
  • Bell Works
  • Brigantine

New posts will be published multiple times a month, each one offering fresh insights and inspiration. It's time to explore somewhere new, embrace the outdoors, and discover the hidden gems of New Jersey.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through New Jersey's charming towns and outdoor spaces. We hope our series inspires you to explore and appreciate the beauty and history each town has to offer. Don't forget to check our website and social media accounts for the latest updates.

If you have a special place that we should share, please contact us right away.

Happy exploring!