Horse Park of New Jersey at Stone Tavern, Inc.

626 Route 524, Allentown, New Jersey 08501

Horse Park of New Jersey at Stone Tavern, Inc. At A Glance...

About Horse Park of New Jersey at Stone Tavern, Inc.

The Horse Park of New Jersey provides a venue for local, regional, national and international-level equestrian events - building on and contributing to the area's rich and long-standing equine industry. In addition, the Horse Park of New Jersey represents a unique effort on the part of government, private not-for-profit groups and individuals to preserve open space and to protect the use of land and resources.

  • Activities:
    • Equestrian / Horseback
    Park Type:
    • Park (General)

Contact / Location

Primary Address:
Directions 626 Route 524
Allentown, New Jersey 08501
Maps & Brochures:

A Brief History

The Horse Park of New Jersey was born of a vision held by a dedicated group of equestrian enthusiasts concerned about the dwindling amount of land dedicated to their interests and activities. On land initially purchased by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection with Green Acres funds and centrally located in Monmouth County amidst some of the State's most beautiful and equine-oriented countryside, the Horse Park opened in 1987.

Operated under contract with the New Jersey Department of Agriculture and the Horse Park of New Jersey at Stone Tavern, Inc., a not-for-profit educational/charitable organization and designated 501(c)(3) corporation, the site has expanded through additional parcel purchases to its present 185 acres. There, these two entities continue to help conceive, fund and execute development of a world-class, destination equestrian exhibition venue - assisted through the tireless efforts of unpaid trustees and hundreds of volunteers who have donated over 200,000 hours to further support and beautify the property.

Special / Seasonal Events

International Competition

At the international level, Three-Day Events are typically designated by the FEI (Federation Equestre Internationale) as CCIs (Concours Complet International, or the Complete Equestrian Competition) and CICs (Concours International Combine) - each ranked by a system of one to four stars. A one-star (*) event is geared for horses being introduced to international competition, a two-star (**) is for those who have some international competition experience, a three-star (***) is for those well-tested at the international level and a four-star (****) is reserved for only six competitions worldwide, in addition to quadrennial Olympic and World Championships. Observing high-performance event horses and riders in action is a rare privilege, requiring no knowledge of horses or the intricacies of the competition to enjoy it.

Additional Events

Throughout the year, the Horse Park of New Jersey puts on many many events. From barrel racing to the multi-day Freedom Festival, you can find many things to do all year round. We would recommend visiting their website for a detailed calendar of events.


The Horse Park of New Jersey is located seven miles from Exit 7A of the New Jersey Turnpike and one mile from U.S. Interstate 195's Exit 11 - an approximate 50-minute drive from Philadelphia and just over one hour from New York City.

Currently, some 50 acres of the Horse Park's total holdings are allocated to constructed facilities, buildings and improvements. The remainder of the property is maintained as open fields and wooded areas used for world-class, x-mile cross-country and carriage obstacle courses. The property also borders the 5,000-acre Assunpink Wildlife Management Area, parts of which are occasionally utilized to accommodate select activities.

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